Premier Comfort

4123 N. Oak Tfwy, Ste A-B

Kansas City, MO 64116

(816) 204-7332

Winter is approaching, and it’s time to ensure your home is ready for the colder months ahead. Follow our comprehensive guide to keep your home warm, safe, and energy-efficient during the winter season.

1. Schedule a Professional HVAC Inspection:
– Contact us at Premier Comfort Heating & Cooling to schedule a winter maintenance check (or Furnace Tune Up) for your heating system. A professional inspection ensures your furnace or heat pump is in optimal condition for the colder months.

2. Change Air Filters:
– Replace or clean your HVAC system’s air filters regularly. Dirty filters can reduce efficiency and indoor air quality. We will also do this for you if you have a new filter handy at your maintenance visit, or if you are a Premier Client.

3. Seal Air Leaks:
– Check for drafts around windows and doors. Use weatherstripping and caulking to seal any gaps, preventing heat loss and saving on energy bills.

4. Insulate Your Home:
– Ensure proper insulation in your attic, walls, and basement. Adequate insulation helps maintain a consistent indoor temperature.involved and preventing unexpected expenses.

5. Programmable Thermostat:
– Install a programmable thermostat to optimize your home’s heating schedule. Lower the temperature when you’re away and raise it when you’re back, saving energy without sacrificing comfort. Contact us for a free estimate!

6. Protect Pipes:
– Insulate exposed pipes to prevent freezing. Allow faucets to drip during extremely cold nights to avoid pipe bursts.

7. Clear Gutters and Downspouts:
– Remove debris from gutters to prevent ice dams and ensure proper drainage. This helps protect your roof and prevents water damage.

8. Chimney Inspection:
– If you have a fireplace, schedule a chimney inspection and cleaning. Ensure the damper is working correctly and install a chimney cap to keep out pests.

9. Outdoor HVAC Unit Maintenance:
– Clear debris around the outdoor HVAC unit. Trim overhanging branches to prevent damage from falling ice and snow.

10. Winterize Your Outdoor Faucets:
– Disconnect and drain garden hoses. Install frost-free hose bibs or use insulated faucet covers to protect outdoor faucets from freezing.

11. Emergency Preparedness:
– Prepare for power outages with flashlights, batteries, and a portable heater. Familiarize yourself with the location of the main water shut-off valve.

12. Test Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors:
– Ensure all detectors are in working order. Replace batteries and test alarms monthly.

13. Winterize Your HVAC System:
– If you have a central air conditioner, cover the outdoor unit to protect it from winter weather. Consult your HVAC professional for specific recommendations.

14. Reverse Ceiling Fans:
– Change the direction of ceiling fans to clockwise. This circulates warm air downward, improving heating efficiency.

15. Emergency Contact Information:
– Keep Premier Comfort’s emergency contact information easily accessible in case of any HVAC-related issues during winter.
By following these winter-ready tips, you’ll not only stay warm and cozy but also ensure the longevity and efficiency of your HVAC system. For personalized assistance or to schedule a winter maintenance check, contact Premier Comfort Heating & Cooling at 816-204-7332.

Stay warm and enjoy a comfortable winter season!